Monday, April 21, 2008

moving on

Moving out and moving was the theme of this past weekend. It was a great weekend and now that I look back, fairly appropriate as a capstone for this relationship that couldn't stand the times.

I moved her stuff out this weekend. She came over Saturday am to begin the wonderful process of separating all the belongings that had been acquired over the years. It was actually a fairly smooth, easy process...methodically going from room to room, agreeing on who was due what. Both parties were considerate and respectful. Other than separating photo albums, the process was filled w/ no emotion. Sunday pm, some of her family and she came over to move out the remaining larger pieces. It was a rather eye-opening experience and the reason why I found the weekend appropriate as a reflection of our failed relationship.

My family has been incredibly supportive and respectful through everything. They've known when to assist and when to give space. They've given excellent direction and have always been a positive influence on my life. Needless to say, they were present Sunday when the ex-in-laws arrived. We were met by a very somber and sobering family. The fairly pleasant girl w/ whom I had spoke w/ the day before had transformed into a cold, removed person. Maybe it was a defense mechanism, or maybe it was the result of the presence of her family. Regardless, I found this immediate transformation reminiscent of the change I had experienced during the last few months of our marriage. Someone who was once interested and engaged had closed up and separated themself. Funny, you would typically associate that behavior w/ the guy in the relationship, but I digress. The only difference I noticed in this example was that she was the one who was sad and shedding tears. Although friendly and jovial, I was now the one standing emotionless. Strangely, no remorse, regret, or even general sadness was felt. I only felt a sense of relief...a realization of freedom mixed only w/ a dash of anxiety about what's to come.

As the differences in families became more apparent, I couldn't help but to be proud of being a Mohr. This family can withstand anything and can remain close while going through it. Furthermore, we can remain positive and upbeat about it, an accomplishment that not many can claim. It still amazes me how easy is it to take something positive from every experience. I've learned what I'd do differently should I marry again, and I've definitely learned more specifically what I'd look for in a mate. Furthermore, this experience continues to attest to how amazing this family is. I truly love my family. Although I doubt the sentiment will be shared, I also wish the Pufahl's all the very best. The question now becomes, "Where to go from here?" As I look to answer that question, as only I can, I am filled with excitement, hope, and faith. I know in my heart that this was the right decision and that this path I'm leading will bring me everything I could ever ask for.

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